收藏耀森    /    $汇率:美元 7.10        
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    仓库位于交通便利,没有消费税的特拉华州。距纽约和华盛顿等主要城市不超过2小时。它是HiGo Express的旗舰仓库。服务范围包括海外仓储,物流转运。其中物流转运非常适合大型企业(例如购物平台)的收集,仓储和包装服务。欢迎客户及同行参观、合作。

    Located in Delaware, the free-duty state, E-Cang Warehouse enjoys convenient transportation -- a within-two-hour trip to major cities in the US, including New York and Whashington.  As a flagship warehouse of HiGo Express, the major services of E-Cang include oversea storage and logistics transportation. The service of  logistics transportation is perfect for large-scale corporations, such as online shopping sites, as to the aspects of gathering, storage, and package.  Warmly welcome to our E-Cang Warehouse and have a close cooperation.
